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HTML-Kit - 292

This is probably the best free HTML editor out there.

It might be a little complicated for beginners starting out, but when you get some experience give it a try.

Has a built in code checker, but does not support HTML5 yet.

The only problem that creates is that when it checks your code it changes the doctype to HTML 4 strict.

That's a small price to pay for code checking. Not sure if there is another free editor that has that feature.


HTML-Kit HTML-Kit is a free full-featured website builder designed to help HTML, XHTML and XML authors to create, edit, format, lookup help, validate, preview and publish websites.

Newcomers to website building can benefit from letting it point out errors and provide suggestions on how to create standards compliant web pages.

Experts can save time spent on common tasks using the highly customizable and extensible integrated development environment while maintaining full control over multiple file types including HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS, XSL, JavaScript, VBScript, ASP, PHP, JSP, Perl, Python, Ruby, Java, VB, C/C++, .NET C#, Delphi / Pascal, Lisp, SQL, and more.

Get the Download

HTML-Kit's plugins interface makes it possible for it to grow with you as your needs change.

Customizable User Interface
Application Views
Multiple Document Interface
Maximized Document Tasks
Command Prompt
Integrated FTP Workspace
Seamless Access to Remote Files
Drag and Upload
Insert Images and Hyperlinks with a Drop of a File

Help Options
Context Sensitive Keyword Help
RichHints -- Context Sensitive Help
TagsReminder will be with You in a Second

Code Editing
Preview as You Type
Focus in on Sections of Code
Easy Access to Tags and Snippets
Insert Complex Tags Using the TagsWizard
Tag Editing Shortcuts

Color Pickers
WYSIWYG PrototypePad
Multiple Code Validators