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HTML5 Code Tutorial

Using a Text Editor

The best way to learn to build web pages with HTML code is to write the code by hand.

A simple text editor like NotePad for Windows will do the trick.

When building web pages with a text editor (Ex. NotePad or WordPad) you must remember to save the pages in HTML format.

To do this, you would use the Save As option and add a .html extension to the filename.

If you use the default .txt extension you will see code when you preview the page in a browser.

The code for a Basic HTML Page is shown below.

NotePad IconOpen NotePad and copy the code into the editor window.
Change the line: <BODY></BODY> to <BODY>Hello World!!</BODY>

Click File
Click Save As
Change .txt to myfirstpage.html
Click Save Remember what folder you save the page in!!

Now to preview the page:

IE IconOpen Internet Explorer
Click File
Click Open
Click Browse
Navigate to the folder where you saved myfirstpage.html
Click myfirstpage.html to highlight
Click Open
Click OK

You should see the words Hello World!! in the browser window.

Repeat this lesson a few times. Add some code for a Heading Tag and a Paragraph Tag

When you can create pages and preview them without thinking, you are ready to start the tutorial.

Where to Start!

To get the most from this tutorial start with Learning the Basics Liquid Web Pages.


HTML Editors

If you'd like to jump ahead to using an HTML editor we recommend 2 free ones ,one for Windows users and one for Linux users.