Hexidecimal Color Codes
Though you can create color on a website using simple color names like red, blue, yellow and green, you can create thousands of colors if you learn to use hexidecimal code.
You should know that most colors will display differently on visiting browsers.
It's best to use standard web palette colors in website design. It is also a good idea to use colors that are related in some way.
Please try our HTML Color Tool to learn about color relationships before you make the decision on your website colors.
Standard Web Palette colors are in bold.
Color Name | Hex Code | Sample |
violet | ff00ff | |
pink/violet | ff00cc | |
deeppink | ff1493 | |
hotpink | ff0066 | |
candyapplered | ff0055 | |
red | ff3333 | |
brightred | ff3300 | |
truered | ff0000 | |
firebrick | b22222 | |
darkred | cc3333 | |
crimson | dc143c | |
orangered | ff4500 | |
orange | ff6600 | |
coral | ff6666 | |
darkorange | ff8c00 | |
pumpkin | ff9900 | |
peach | ff9966 | |
oldgold | ffcc00 | |
darkgold | ffcc33 | |
mediumgold | ffcc66 | |
gold | ffd700 | |
brightyellow | ffff00 | |
yellow | ffff66 | |
greenyellow | adff2f | |
chartreuse | 7fff00 | |
lawngreen | 7cfc00 | |
brightgreen | 00ff00 | |
lime | 00ff00 | |
grassgreen | 00cc00 | |
limegreen | 32cd32 | |
mediumseagreen | 3cb371 | |
forestgreen | 228b22 | |
green | 009900 | |
mediumgreen | 006600 | |
darkgreen | 003300 | |
darkteal | 006666 | |
darkcyan | 008b8b | |
mediumteal | 009999 | |
lightseagreen | 20b2aa | |
honeydew | f0fff0 |
Color Name | Hex Code | Sample |
purple | cc00ff | |
hotpink | ff69b4 | |
pink | ff9999 | |
pink | ffcccc | |
palevioletred | d87093 | |
mediumvioletred | c71585 | |
darkmagneta | 8b008b | |
purple | 663399 | |
lightsteelblue | b0c4de | |
darkorchid | 9932cc | |
purple/blue | 9900ff | |
violet | 990099 | |
bloodred | 990000 | |
darkviolet | 660066 | |
purple | 660099 | |
indigo | 4b0082 | |
darkslateblue | 483d8b | |
slateblue | 6a5acd | |
mediumslateblue | 7b68ee | |
darkblue | 330099 | |
midnightblue | 191970 | |
navy | 003366 | |
deepblue | 003399 | |
blue | 0033cc | |
brightblue | 0000ff | |
royalblue | 4169e1 | |
dodgerblue | 1e90ff | |
lightblue | 99ccff | |
gunmetalblue | 336699 | |
mediumblue | 3399cc | |
mediumblue | 0099cc | |
mediumblue | 6699cc | |
deepskyblue | 00bfff | |
babyblue | 00ccff | |
lightskyblue | 87cefa | |
darkturquoise | 00ced1 | |
turquoise | 66cccc | |
powderblue | 00e0e6 | |
cyan or aqua | 00ffff |
Earth Tones | ||
Color Name | Hex Code | Sample |
maroon | 800000 | |
brown | a52a2a | |
sienna | a0522d | |
sandy brown | f4a460 | |
chocolate | d2691e | |
indianred | cd5c5c | |
peru | cd853f | |
lightbrown | cc9966 | |
burleywood | deb887 | |
lightcoral | f08080 | |
salmon | fa8072 | |
darksalmon | e9967a | |
lightsalmon | ffa07a | |
flesh | ffcc99 | |
peachpuff | ffdab9 | |
navajowhite | ffdead | |
mocassin | ffe4b5 | |
papayawhip | ffefd5 | |
goldenrod | daa520 | |
darkgoldbrown | cc9900 | |
darkgoldenrod | b8860b | |
darkkhaki | bdb76b | |
putty | cccc99 | |
khaki | f0e68c | |
beige | f5f5dc | |
cornsilk | fff8dc | |
antiquewhite | faebd7 | |
floralwhite | fffaf0 | |
ivory | fffff0 |
Black & White | ||
Color Name | Hex Code | Sample |
black | 000000 | |
lightslategray | 778899 | |
dimgray | 696969 | |
gray | 808080 | |
darkgrey | a9a9a9 | |
silver | c0c0c0 | |
mediumgray | cccccc | |
lightgrey | d3d3d3 | |
lightgray | dddddd | |
gainsboro | dcdcdc | |
white | ffffff | |
Olives | ||
darkolive | 666633 | |
darkolivegreen | 556b2f | |
mediumolive | 999966 | |
olive | 808000 | |
olivedrab | 688e23 |
Tints, Shades & Tones | ||
Color Name | Hex Code | Sample |
cadetblue | 5f9ea0 | |
mediumturquoise | 48d1cc | |
aquamarine | 7fffd4 | |
lightcyan | e0ffff | |
azure | f0ffff | |
aliceblue | f0f8ff | |
mintcream | f5fffa | |
darkseagreen | 8fbc8f | |
palegreen | 98fb98 | |
lightgreen | ccffcc | |
mediumpurple | 9370d8 | |
cornflowerblue | 9999cc | |
lavender | e6e6fa | |
ghostwhite | f8f8ff | |
palegoldenrod | eee8aa | |
lightgoldenrodyellow | fafad2 | |
lemonchiffon | fffacd | |
lightyellow | ffffe0 | |
orchid | da70d6 | |
plum | dda0dd | |
lightpink | ffb6c1 | |
pink | ffc0cb | |
lavenderblush | fff0f5 | |
linen | faf0e6 | |
paleturquoise | faeeee | |
oldlace | fdf5e6 |